
multi ch xania de eurasipomer at kaydanmy (IMP)

Xania has proven herself as a successful show dog and producer. Some of her progeny include Dougal (BOB winner from puppy class and Best Puppy Crufts 2020), Winston, Orka and Sheeba.

Xania has proven herself as a successful show dog and producer. Some of her progeny include Dougal (BOB winner from puppy class and Best Puppy Crufts 2020), Winston, Orka and Sheeba.

Irish Champion

Luxembourg Champion

Dutch Champion

International Champion

TOP UK Eurasier 2017

TOP UK Female 2016-2019

Number 4 Scottish Top Dog 2017

Best in Show & Best Puppy in Show Winner

Over 50 Best of Breed wins Internationally

Benelux Winner 2018 in Netherlands and Belgium

Celtic Winner 2016-2018 & Celtic Junior Winner 2016

Irish Junior Champion

Multi Ch Benji de Eurasipomer x Multi Ch Duffy Donna Av Nixenspitze

Breeder: Mr A Garceran-Lopez

Health Test Results

Hips: 5/5, Elbows: 0/0, Patella: 0/0, Eyes: Clear, DWLM: N/N, Thyroid: Clear


Xania pedigree.JPG